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							                                                                                             Anlage 9 - Verwendungsbereich
Prüfbericht 366-0542-15-WIRD
zur Erteilung der ECE (E1) 124R- 000825
ANLAGE:     9.3                                                             Radtyp: 15654100-20
                                                                                                                 TUV AUSTRIA
Hersteller: MW Aftermarket Srl                                              Stand: 04.11.2015
                                                                                                                         Seite: 1 von 2
Manufacturer                                   : OPEL, OPEL / VAUXHALL
Wheel dates:
Wheel size according to standard         :61/2JX15H2                Off set(mm)                :35
Hole circle (mm)/number of holes         : 100/4                    centering type             : centering fixed
Technical dates, short form
version          Version name                                             Centering      |Centering     Permis       (Permiss|Valid
                                                                          hole           material       sible — е               from
                                                                                                        wheel   |rolling
                     Wheel identification          Centering              (mm)                          Load         |Circumf   |Produ
                                                   identification                                                    erence     |ction
                                                                                                        (kg)         (mm)     |date
R1-1559              R1-1559                       Without                        56,5                         523      1937| 47/14

In built-up vehicle safety and / or environment-related vehicle systems (such as tire pressure monitoring
systems) must remain functional or replaced.
Scope/Vehicle Manufacturer                     : OPEL, OPEL / VAUXHALL
Mounting parts                                 : conical collar bolt M12x1,5, tapered thread 60 Grad
Tightening torque for fixing parts             : 110 Nm
 commercial type:           ASTRA
 Vehicle type_|Approval                  KW          Tires                Restrictions of tires         Restrictions
 A-H           e1*2001/116*0261*..       |55-77      [185/65R15 88                                      *); not Dieselmotor;
                                                     195/60R15 88                                       1); 2); 33)
                                                     195/65R15 91
 А-Н              1е1*2007/46*0344*..    |66-81      |185/65R15 88                                      1); 2); 33)
                                                     195/60R15 88
                                                     195/65R15 91
                                         66-85       |185/65R15-88H
                                                     195/65R15 91H
 A-H/NB           e1*2001/116*0454*..    |66         195/65R15 91                                       *); Limousine;
                                         85          195/65R15 91H                                      notchback;
                                                                                                        1); 2); 33)
 A-H/NB           e1*2001/116*0454*..    [66         195/65R15 91                                       *); Limousine;
                                         85-103      |195/65R15 91H                                     notchback;
                                                                                                        1); 2); 33)
 A-H/NB           e1*2007/46*0340*..     [85         195/65R15 91                                       *); Limousine;
                                                     195/65R15 91H                                      notchback;
                                                                                                        1); 2); 33)
 commercial type:           ASTRA GTC,CABRIO/TWIN TOP
 Vehicle type_|Approval            KW     Tires                           Restrictions of tires         Restrictions
 A-HIC         e4*2001/116*0094*.. |55-85 |185/65R15 88                                                 *); Coupe;
                                                     195/60R15 88                                       1); 2); 33)
                                                     195/65R15 91

                                     Benannt unter der Registriernummer KBA-P 00055-00
                    von der Benennungsstelle des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtes, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
                                                                                    Anlage 9 - Verwendungsbereich

Prüfbericht 366-0542-15-WIRD
zur Erteilung der ECE (E1) 124R- 000825
ANLAGE:    9.3                                                        Radtyp: 15654100-20
Hersteller: MW Aftermarket Srl                                        Stand:   04.11.2015              D

                                                                                                             Seite: 2 von 2
 commercial type:             ASTRA STATION WAGON
 Vehicle type_|Approval                 kW        Tires             Restrictions of tires     Restrictions
 A-H/SW        е1*2001/116*0293*..      [55-85    |[185/65R15 88                              *); not Dieselmotor;
                                                  195/60R15 88                                 1); 2); 33)
                                                  195/65R15 91
 A-H/SW          e1*2007/46*0341*..     |66-81    |185/65R15 88                                1); 2); 33)
                                                  195/60R15 88
                                                  195/65R15 91
                                        85        185/65R15-88H
                                                  195/65R15 91H

 commercial type:             TIGRA
 Vehicle type_|Approval                 kW        Tires             Restrictions of tires     Restrictions
 X-              e11*2001/116*0227*..   |51-92    |185/60R15 84H                               1); 2); 33)

*) The remarks under the listed restrictions/conditions are to be kept. Furthermore only the vehicles (trade name
or trademark listed in the conditions) are covered which are also listed in the field of applications.

1)    To be kept:
      - the stal ndard wheel size апа offset.
      - tyre size with service description (load апа speed index) апа tyre brand commitments
      - аб well as limitations — Ю snow tyres (M+S) from the саг documents.
      - requirements and limitations of snow chains from the operating licence and the operation manual.
2)    Only permissible at vehicle models, which are allowed to use steel wheels as standard.
33)   The standard fixing parts and accessories of е       vehicle manufacturer Юг the corresponding series-wheel
      must be used.

                                  Benannt unter der Registriernummer KBA-P 00055-00
                    von der Benennungsstelle des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtes, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.